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Das Forum dokumentiert zahlreiche seiner Veranstaltungen mit Audio- oder Videoaufzeichnungen. Außerdem finden Sie hier Interviews mit unseren Fellows und am Forum beteiligten Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern. Unsere Podcasts finden Sie auch auf unserem Soundcloud-Kanal, die Videos des Forums sowie des Verbundprojekts mit der Max Weber Stiftung bei Vimeo.
Nanquette, Laetitia
Women Publishers in Post-revolutionary Iran: Gender, Ideology and the State
EUME Berliner Seminar, 10 July 2024
Albers, Yvonne, Lara Harb, Friederike Pannewick et al.
Die Kunst des Überlebens. Poesie und Politik in der arabischsprachigen Welt
Katholische Akademie in Berlin e.V., 2024
Wattad, Loaay
Subversive Mimicry: Translating Zionist Children’s Literature into Arabic
EUME Berliner Seminar, 07 February 2024
Zoubi, Himmat
The Palestinian Cultural-Artistic Scene: Fragments, Decoloniality and Hope
EUME Berliner Seminar, 24 Juanuary 2024
Abdelrahman, Sanabel
Eco-Surrealism, Martyrdom, and the Future: Palestinian Magical Realism Meets Indigenous Climate Fiction
EUME Berliner Seminar, 10 January 2024
İlengiz, Çiçek
Inheriting Anatolia: Representation, Knowledge Production and Imagination
EUME Berliner Seminar, 25 October 2023
Arslan, C. Ceyhun
The Ottoman Canon and the Construction of Arabic and Turkish Literatures
EUME Berliner Seminar, 08 November 2023
Gervasio, Gennaro
What is Left? Trajectories of Secular Politics in Post-2003 Iraq
EUME Berliner Seminar, 22 November 2023
Naguib, Rim
‘Affectueusement, Laila’: Being a ‘foreign’ Jewish communist woman in post-colonial Egypt
EUME Berliner Seminar, 29 November 2023
Ghazaleh, Pascale
Archives, Heritage and Discontent: Who Owns Egypt’s Past?
EUME Berliner Seminar, 18 October 2023
Albers, Yvonne
On Endings: Temporalities of Exiled Arab Magazines in the 1980s/90s
EUME Berliner Seminar, 15 November 2023
Anderson, Kyle, Chris Gratien, Ziad Fahmy, Alia Mossallam, and Andrew Simon
The Sound of Revolution in Modern Egypt
Ottoman History Podcast, 2023
Halbouni, Fouad and Ismail Fayed
Political Imagination and the Postcolonial in Contemporary Egypt
EUME Berliner Seminar, 12 July 2023
Shams, Fatemeh
Poetics and Politics of Jina Amini Revolutionary Uprising in Iran
EUME Berliner Seminar, 5 July 2023
Mossallam, Alia and Adam Benkato
Can the Colonial Archive be a Source of Anti-Colonial Struggle? Listening to Recorded Voices of North African Prisoners of War in the Berliner Lautarchiv
EUME Berliner Seminar, 14 June 2023
Kchir, Khaled
Why Ibn Khaldun is still relevant today — Interview with Khaled Kchir (University of Tunis/MECAM)
Merian Centre for Advanced Studies in the Maghreb (MECAM), 2023
Tütüncü Çağlar, Filiz
Working for the Kaiser (and Being Treated Unfairly): Ottoman-German Archaeological Encounters in Theodore Macridy’s Letters
EUME Berliner Seminar, 31 Mai 2023
Zoubi, Himmat
Haifa 1948: The Unmaking of the Palestinian City and the Struggle for Democratic Urban Governance
EUME Berliner Seminar, 21 June 2023
Tannoury-Karam, Sana
The Soviet Union as ‘Future’: The Socialist Imaginary of Lebanese Leftists, 1920-1948
EUME Berliner Seminar, 24 May 2023
Abbani, Diana
Unfortunately, it wasn’t Paradise: On Mahmoud Darwish’s Sung Poems
EUME Berliner Seminare, 19 April 2023
Gervasio, Gennaro
Independent Civic Activism and the Egyptian Revolution: A Gramscian Perspective
EUME Berliner Seminare, 12 April 2023
Herremans, Brigitte (host), Jaber Baker, Anne-Marie McManus, Artino, Uğur Ümit Üngör
The Syrian Gulag: Reality and Narratives about the Prison System
Justice Vision Podcast, 30 June 2022
El-Ariss, Tarek, Kader Attia, Layal Ftouni, Georges Khalil, Rima Mismar, Rasha Salti
Cultures of Scandal
AFAC Conference, 26-27 January 2023
Raz-Krakotzkin, Amnon
16th Century Safed, Zionism and Palestine
EUME Berliner Seminar, 23 November 2022
Channell-Justice, Emily
Self-Organization in Ukraine: From Euromaidan to Russia’s Invasion
Prisma Ukraïna Book Talk, 20 March 2023
Ghilani, Kaoutar
Failing the Nation? A Conceptual and Methodological Discussion on the Rise and Fall of Arabisation in Morocco
EUME Berliner Seminar, 9 November 2022
Halbouni, Fouad
Coptic-Muslim Hermeneutics: A Conversation between Matta El-Meskeen and Nasr Abu Zeid
EUME Berliner Seminar, 11 January 2023
Altıntaş, Toygun
The Circle of (Dis)Obedience: Governance in Zeytun (1858-1895)
EUME Berliner Seminar, 30 November 2022
Mossallam, Alia and Yassin al-Haj Saleh
“Have we not yet been defeated?”—On Alaa Abd el-Fattah’s Writings from Egypt’s Revolution and Prison
EUME Berliner Seminar, 19 October 2022
Ali, Zahra, Leyla Dakhli, Magdi El Gizouli, Cilja Harders, and Jeffrey G. Karam
The Second Wave of Arab Uprisings: Moving Beyond Narratives of Defeat and Despair
EUME Berliner Seminar, 12 October 2022
İlengiz, Çiçek
Commemorating Perpetual Violence: Open-Ended Mourning in Turkish Kurdistan
EUME Berliner Seminar, 15 June 2022
Andrawos, Nader, Amr Abdelrahman, and Fouad Halbouni
Tarek El-Bishry as a Post-Colonial Thinker
EUME Berliner Seminar, 20 April 2022
İleri, Nurçin
“Importance of Little Things”: The Origins, Past Uses and Actors of the Robert College Natural History Museum from Empire to Nation-state
EUME Berliner Seminar, 12 April 2022
Minkin, Shana Elizabeth
Imperial Bodies: Empire and Death in Alexandria
EUME Berliner Seminar, 1 December 2021
Karam, Jeffrey G.
Revolution and the Boundaries of Political Change: The Lebanon Uprising of 2019 and the Politics of Counter-Revolution
EUME Berliner Seminar, 13 October 2021
Karaca, Banu
Violent Possessions: Cultural Heritage and the Politics of Knowledge
EUME Berliner Seminar, 20 October 2021
Elnemr, Eman
Modernism, Licentiousness, Rebellion: Egypt in the First Half of the Twentieth Century
EUME Berliner Seminar, 19 January 2022
Sarıtaş, Ezgi
Transfer, Translation and Adaptation of Sexual Discourses in the Late Ottoman Empire and Early Turkish Republic
EUME Berliner Seminar, 12 January 2022
Kattar, Chloé
Right-Wing Internationalism beyond the North-South Divide: The Political Thought of Charles Malik
EUME Berliner Seminar, 24 November 2021
Türkyılmaz, Zeynep
The Journey of Hovannes Avetaranian: A Quest for Self-determination at the End of Empire (1861-1919)
EUME Berliner Seminar, 10 December 2021
Özdemir Taştan, İnan
Discursive Strategies of the Pro-Government Media in Justification of Turkey’s Withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention
EUME Berliner Seminar, 10 November 2021
Auji, Hala
“I pass, yet my image remains, so be amazed!” – Early Representations of the ‘Public Intellectual’ in Beirut and Cairo
EUME Berliner Seminar, 3 November 2021
Altıntaş, Toygun
The Road around Serfdom: Land and Armenian Labor in late Ottoman Dersim
EUME Berliner Seminar, 17 November 2021
Mossallam, Alia
“What if a Dam was more than just a Dam?”—A reflection on the worlds built by dams through discussing Omar Amiralay’s film trilogy on the Euphrates Dam
EUME Berliner Seminar, 17 February 2021
Türkyilmaz, Zeynep and Yektan Türkyilmaz
Violent Times: How to Study the Armenian and Dersim Genocides
EUME Berliner Seminar, 22 April 2020
Zoubi, Himmat
“Columbus in Ha(y)ifa”—Destruction, Erasure, Re-placement and the Making of the Israeli Mixed City
EUME Berliner Seminar, 08 July 2020
Georges Khalil and Ella Shohat
Writing the Arab-Jew: Reflections on Displacement and Middle Eastern Diasporas
The Middle East Union Festival, 13 August 2021
İlkay Yılmaz
Security Perceptions and Ottoman Passports (1876-1908)
EUME Berliner Seminar, 14 July 2021
Toukan, Hanan, Diana Abbani, Amal Eqeiq and Zeina Maasri
The Politics of Art: Dissent and Cultural Diplomacy in Lebanon, Palestine, and Jordan
EUME Berliner Seminar, 23 June 2021
Tütüncü Çağlar, Filiz
Theodore Macridy: Life and Legacy of an Ottoman Archaeologist
EUME Berliner Seminar, 16 June 2021
Naguib, Rim
Enacting Sovereignty: Policing Nationality and Foreigners’ Residence in Post-Colonial Egypt
EUME Berliner Seminar, 30 June 2021
Tannoury-Karam, Sana
Literature and the Political Engagement of Leftist Intellectuals in Mandate Lebanon
EUME Berliner Seminar, 19 May 2021
Ileri, Nurçin
Nationalism on the Shop Floor: Silahtarağa Power Plant and Istanbul Electricity Company, 1919-1939
EUME Berliner Seminar, 5 May 2021
Kozachenko, Ivan
Urban Memory and Digital Nostalgia: Evidence from Ukraine
EUME Berliner Seminar, 28 April 2021
Karaca, Banu
The National Frame: Art and State Violence in Turkey and Germany
EUME Berliner Seminar, 14 April 2021
Bamyeh, Mohammed
The Erotics of Revolution: An Outline of Emotions in the 2011 and 2019 Uprisings
EUME Berliner Seminar, 21 April 2021
Bardawil, Fadi, Sana Tannoury-Karam and Leyla Dakhli
Reckoning with Universals in Times of Revolution and Disenchantment
EUME Berliner Seminar, 7 April 2021
Zoubi, Himmat
De-Urbanizing Palestine: Transforming Hayfa into Haifa (1948-1953)
EUME Berliner Seminar, 20 January 2021
Kundos, Zahiye
The Loss of the Mufti: Muhammad Abduh in Taha Hussein's Days
EUME Berliner Seminar, 13 January 2021
Altıntaş, Toygun
Gendered Violence and Armenian Women in the Late Ottoman Empire
EUME Berliner Seminar, 9 December 2020
Selim, Samah
Popular Fiction: Adaption, Material Culture and the Re-Imagination of the Future in Egypt
EUME Berliner Seminar, 14 October 2020
Uyar, Yaprak Melike
On Digitalization, Cultural Omnivorousness and Appropriation: Turkish Psychedelic Music
EUME Berliner Seminar, 18 November 2020
Tannoury-Karam, Sana
Red Flags in the Streets of Beirut: An Intellectual and Cultural History of the Lebanese Left, 1920-1948
EUME Berliner Seminar, 11 November 2020
Ghazzawi, Razan, Lamia Moghnieh, Dina Wahba, Himmat Zoubi
Gendered Violence and Feminist Revolution in the Arab World
EUME Berliner Seminar, 28 October 2020
Shawkat, Yahia
‘Model’ Villages for ‘Model’ Citizen: Egypt’s Rural Housing Crisis
EUME Berliner Seminar, 4 November 2020
Abbani, Diana, Khyam Allami and Milad Khawam
Making Arabic Music in Times of Upheaval
EUME Berliner Seminar, 21 October 2020
Moghnieh, Lamia
Beyond Trauma/Resilience: Surviving and Becoming in Today’s World
Symposium: Beyond Trauma? A Transregional Perspective on Trauma and Aesthetics, 14 June 2019
Naguib, Rim
Colonial Legacies: The Ideological Deportation of Foreigners and Local Subjects of Foreign Extractions in Interwar Egypt
EUME Berliner Seminar, 04 December 2019
Chatta, Rasha, Walid El Houri, Georges Khalil, Rim Naguib, Lamia Moghnieh
Borderlines in the East of Europe
Black Cloud – Kyiv Biennial, 2019
Ghazaleh, Pascale
How Can We Speak of Defeat? Archival Abysses in the History of the Naksa
Transregional Academy Beirut, 2019
Mossallam, Alia
Illustrated Ideologies in High Dam Comics (1960-1964)
EUME Berliner Seminar, 16 October 2019
Bamyeh, Mohammed
Lifeworlds of Islam: The Pragmatics of a Religion
EUME Berliner Seminar, 17 July 2019
Zoubi, Himmat
The Scene and the Unseen of Palestinian Cultural Spaces in Haifa
EUME Berliner Seminar, 15 May 2019
Bashir, Bashir
The Holocaust and the Nakba: A New Grammar of Trauma and History
EUME Berliner Seminar, 27 June 2019
Moghnieh, Lamia
Asfourieh: A History of Institutional Psychiatry, Madness and Society in Lebanon
EUME Berliner Seminar, 22 May 2019
El Shakry, Omnia
Psychoanalysis and the Imaginary: Translating Freud in Postcolonial Egypt
Workshop »Power in Medicine«, 2019
Chatta, Rasha and Zeina Abirached
Taking Refuge: Weaving Memory and History in Comics
EUME Discussion, 7 March 2019
Tzoreff, Avi-ram
R. Binyamin, Bi-nationalism in Palestine and the Critique of Zionist Secular Discourse
EUME Berliner Seminar, 10 April 2019
Mandal, Sumit
Arabs in the Malay World: Creole Histories in a Racialised Context
EUME Berliner Seminar, 2 April 2019
Grachova, Sofiya
Anthropology, Truth, and Self-Fashioning
Prisma Ukraïna Workshop, Berlin, 25 June 2018
Rhode, Maria
Colonial Questions and Colonial Science? Anthropology and the State in Interwar Poland
Prisma Ukraïna Workshop, Berlin, 25 June 2018
Zabirko, Oleksandr
A War for the Better Past: Political Visions in Post-Soviet Counterfactual Histories
Prisma Ukraïna Workshop, Berlin, 19 June 2018
Petrovsky-Shtern, Yohanan
Jewish Apples and Muslim Oranges in the Russian Basket: Options and Limits of a Comparative Approach
Prisma Ukraïna Workshop, Berlin, 28 June 2018
Terentieva, Mariia
Ukraine’s Digital Civil Society Against Russian Propaganda: Whose Story Will Make History?
Prisma Ukraïna Workshop, Berlin, 19 June 2018
Loy, Thomas
The Chala – “Jewish Muslims” in Soviet Central Asia
Prisma Ukraïna Workshop, Berlin, 28 June 2018
Yurchuk, Yuliya
Historians in Times of Trouble: New History-Writing Projects in Ukraine after 2014
Prisma Ukraïna Workshop, Berlin, 19 June 2018
Myshlovska, Oksana
Dealing with the Difficult Pasts Across the Former Imperial Border
Prisma Ukraïna Workshop, Berlin, 19 June 2018
Yatsyk, Alexandra
Friendlies? Representations of the People from the Donbas Region in Post-Maidan Art in Kharkiv
Prisma Ukraïna Workshop, Berlin, 19 June 2018
Akgöz, Görkem
German ‘Rationalisierung’ in 1930s Turkish Shop Floors: Experts, Exiles and Textiles
EUME Berliner Seminar, 16 January 2019
Shafir, Nir
Pamphleteering Islam: New Media and New Publics in the 17th-Century Ottoman Empire
EUME Berliner Seminar, 12 December 2018
Onaran, Burak
The First Battle of Kut (1916) and the Reshaping of the Ottoman Past
EUME Berliner Seminar, 9 January 2019
Mossallam, Alia
Tracing a Geography of Resistance by Egyptian Workers in World War I
EUME Berliner Seminar, 5 December 2018
Tekay, Cihan
Infrastructures of Capitalism between Brussels and Constantinople, 1909-1924
EUME Berliner Seminar, 28 November 2018
Monaco, Arturo
The Rebellious in Tradition: Sufism and Surrealism in Issam Mahfouz’ Work
EUME Berliner Seminar, 11 July 2018
Di-Capua, Yoav
Sacred Cure: Political Theology and the Post-Colonial Arab Order
EUME Berliner Seminar, 27 June 2018
Hamzawy, Amr
The Meaning of Justice and the Rule of Law in Post-2013 Egypt
EUME Berliner Seminar, 31 October 2018
Bamyeh, Mohammed & Daher, Yasmeen
Civil Society, Responsibility and the Meaning of Freedom after the Arab Revolutions
EUME Berliner Seminar, 24 October 2018
Ghazaleh, Pascale
Past Imperfect, Future Tense: Writing People’s Histories in the Middle East Today
EUME Berliner Seminar, 17 October 2018
Schmid, Ulrich
Contact Zone vs. Postcolonial Condition
Winter Academy »Revisiting the Nation«, Bucharest, 2 March 2018
Finnin, Rory
Cultural Diversity of Political Solidarity: A Case from the Black Sea Region
Winter Academy »Revisiting the Nation«, Bucharest, 2 March 2018
Litvin, Margaret
Arabic Rewritings of Tolstoy’s »Kreutzer Sonata«
EUME Berliner Seminar, 13 June 2018
Schäfer, Peter; Mark Cohen; Orit Bashkin; Aomar Boum
Opening Session
Conference »Jews in Muslim Majority Countries«, 24 October 2017
Campos, Michelle
Interview with Michelle Campos
Conference »Jews in Muslim Majority Countries«, 2017
Totah, Faedah M.
Interview with Faedah M. Totah
Conference »Jews in Muslim Majority Countries«, 2017
Ghazaleh, Pascale
The People’s Property: Resources and Rights in Late Nineteenth-Century Egypt
EUME Berliner Seminar, 30 May 2018
Soliman, Laila & Mossallam, Alia
Breathing Life into the Archive: Egyptian Revolutionary History on the Theatre Stage
EUME Berliner Seminar, 25 April 2018
Dallal, Ahmad S.
Islam Without Europe - Traditions of Reform in Eighteenth-Century Islamic Thought
Berlin, 2018
Henig, David
Charitable Economies and the Ethics of Immediacy in Postwar Bosnia-Herzegovina
Prisma Ukraïna Workshop, Berlin, 8 January 2018
Halemba, Agnieszka; Regina Elsner; Tsypylma Darieva; Armina Omerika
Religion as a Source of Conflict and Means of Reconciliation
Prisma Ukraïna Workshop, Berlin, 8 June 2018
Kalinin, Ilya; Venugopal Maddipati; Banu Karaca; Georges Khalil
Double East: Culture as Politics in India, Russia and Turkey
Prisma Ukraïna Workshop, Berlin, 19 July 2017
Tofighi, Fatima
A Cultural History of the Body in the Work of Modern Iranian Religious Intellectuals 1960-1980
EUME Berliner Seminar, 7 Febuary 2018
Türkyilmaz, Yektan
The Context and Afterlife of the Armenian Genocide
EUME Berliner Seminar, 13 December 2017
Moghnieh, Lamia
Trauma Politics and the Psychologization of War and Violence in Lebanon
EUME Berliner Seminar, 15 November 2017
Ghazaleh, Pascale
In Search of the Archive: On Writing History in Egypt Today
EUME Berliner Seminar, 6 December 2017
Bahoora, Haytham
Contriving an Iraqi Sociology: 'Ali al-Wardi and the Invention of the Peasant
EUME Berliner Seminar, 1 November 2017
Lebow, Alisa
Filming Revolution: A Meta-Documentary about Filmmaking in Egypt since the Revolution
EUME Berliner Seminar, 8 November 2017
Raz-Krakotzkin, Amnon
God and the Refugees: The Return of the Suppressed
EUME Berliner Seminar, 19 October 2017
Dirgantoro, Wulandani
Cultural Heritage, Trauma, and Manipulation
TRAFO – Blog for Transregional Research, 8 August 2017
Pearlman, Wendy
Toward a Popular History of the Syrian Uprising: We Crossed a Bridge and it Trembled
EUME Berliner Seminar, 5 July 2017
al-Daif, Rashid and Joachim Helfer
What Makes a Man?
ICI-EUME Workshop »What Makes a Man?«, 18 May 2017
Allan, Michael
In the Shadow of World Literature: Sites of Reading in Colonial Egypt
EUME Berliner Seminar, 21 June 2017
Andronikashvili, Zaal
In the Shadow of World Literature: Sites of Reading in Colonial Egypt — Comment
EUME Berliner Seminar, 21 June 2017
Shaikh, Sa'diyya
Gender, Knowledge and Sufism: An Islamic Feminist Approach
EUME Lecture, 2 May 2017
Mossallam, Alia
Documenting War, Loss and Sacrifice in the 50s and 60s in Egypt
EUME Berliner Seminar, 15 Febuary 2017
Halabi, Zeina G.
The Unmaking of the Arab Intellectual: Prophecy, Exile, and the Nation
EUME Berliner Seminar, 14 December 2016
Schattenberg, Susanne
Leonid Breschnew oder die Kunst einen westlichen Staatsmann zu mimen
»Perspektiven«, Radio Berlin-Brandenburg, 1 June 2017
Buyskykh, Iuliia
Local Communities on Polish-Ukrainian Borderlands
Prisma Ukraïna Lecture, Berlin, 26 January 2017
Bayat, Asef
The July 15 Failed Coup and the Demise of ‘Islamic Democracy’ in Turkey / Comment
EUME Berliner Seminar, 19 October 2016
Yenigün, Halil Ibrahim
The July 15 Failed Coup and the Demise of ‘Islamic Democracy’ in Turkey
EUME Berliner Seminar, 19 October 2016
SchülerInnen der Walther-Rathenau-Schule, Stefanie Rentsch
Schüler*innen im Gespräch zu Flucht und Integration
Schülergespräch, 19 July 2016
Dayeh, Islam
Freedom of Belief and the Qur'an: A New Approach / Comment
EUME Berliner Seminar, 22 June 2016
Helli, Abdulrahman
Freedom of Belief and the Qur'an: A New Approach
EUME Berliner Seminar, 22 June 2016
Al-Mousawi, Nahrain
Utopia Undone: Counter-Nostalgia in Undocumented Migrant Literature
EUME Berliner Seminar, 29 June 2016
Portnov, Andrii; Jan C. Behrends; Nataliya Gumenyuk
Ukraine Rethinks Complex WWII Past
Hromadske TV, 8 May 2016
Dymek, Jakub
National Sovereignity and the Erosion of the Centre: The Refugee Crisis from a Polish Perspective
Berlin-Brandenburg Ukraine Initiative Workshop, 22 April 2016
Succarie, Mayssun und Nataliya Gumenyuk
EuroMaidanTahrir: Final Discussion
EUME Berliner Seminar, 9 December 2015
Succarie, Mayssun
EuroMaidanTahrir: The Politics of Youth and the Revolutions
EUME Berliner Seminar, 9 December 2015
Gumenyuk, Nataliya
EuroMaidanTahrir: Geopolitical Misunderstandings
EUME Berliner Seminar, 9 December 2015
Milosevic, Ana
What Role do National History and Identity play in the EU Integration Process?
Transregional Academies Blog, 1 March 2016
Dudko, Oksana
Contemporary Theatre is an Instrument of Social Change
Transregional Academies Blog, 2016
Zhuravlev, Oleg
From the Event to New Political Subjectivities
Winter Academy »Beyond History and Identity«, Berlin, 10 December 2015
Nemtsev, Mikhail and Andrii Portnov
New Ukraine – Hybridization of Space and Transregional Academies Blog, 2016
Union der Deutschen Akademien der Wissenschaften, Max Weber Stiftung, BBAW
Wohin treibt der Arabische Frühling?
Geisteswissenschaft im Dialog, 2013
Burbank, Jane
How Space becomes Place: Russia’s Eurasian Trajectories
Winter Academy “Beyond History and Identity”, Berlin, 9 December 2015
Jakymchuk, Liubov; Aleksandr Kabanov; Marianna Kijanowska; Serhiy Zhadan
Fragmentierung und Übersetzung: Sprache und Dichtung in der Ukraine
Winterakademie »Beyond History and Identity«, 10 December 2015
Hamzawy, Amr
Egyptian Liberals and their Anti-Democratic Deceptions
EUME Berliner Seminar, 21 October 2015
Youssef, Saadi
On Poetry and Occupied Iraq
EUME-HKW Conference; DI/VISIONS: Culture and Politics of the Middle East, 2007
Antoon, Sinan
Iraq: Di/Visions of War
EUME-HKW Conference; DI/VISIONS: Culture and Politics of the Middle East, 2007
al Abdallah, Hala
Cultural Resistance: Documentary cinema and contemporary Syria
EUME-HKW Conference; DI/VISIONS: Culture and Politics of the Middle East, 2007
Hassan, Kadhim Jihad
La part de l'étranger - Modern arab poetry and thinking
EUME-HKW Conference; DI/VISIONS: Culture and Politics of the Middle East, 2007
Mroué, Rabih
Who Is Afraid of Representation?
EUME-HKW Conference; DI/VISIONS: Culture and Politics of the Middle East, 2007
Abdel Fattah, Nabil
Egypt after Mubarak
EUME-HKW Conference; DI/VISIONS: Culture and Politics of the Middle East, 2007
Amiralay, Omar
Documentary, history and memory
EUME-HKW Conference; DI/VISIONS: Culture and Politics of the Middle East, 2007
Raz-Krakotzkin, Amnon
Binationalism and the Critique of Zionism
EUME-HKW Conference; DI/VISIONS: Culture and Politics of the Middle East, 2007
al Haj Saleh, Yassin
An analysis of contemporary Syria
EUME-HKW Conference; DI/VISIONS: Culture and Politics of the Middle East, 2007
Adnan, Etel
In the Heart of the Hearts of Another Country
EUME-HKW Conference; DI/VISIONS: Culture and Politics of the Middle East, 2007
Abaza, Mona
Changing Consumer Cultures of Modern Egypt. Cairo's urban reshaping
EUME-HKW Conference; DI/VISIONS: Culture and Politics of the Middle East, 2007
Fathy, Safaa
Symbolic and Political power in contemporary Egypt
EUME-HKW Conference; DI/VISIONS: Culture and Politics of the Middle East, 2007
Mehrez, Samia
Egypt’s Culture Wars: Politics and Practice
EUME-HKW Conference; DI/VISIONS: Culture and Politics of the Middle East, 2007
Pannewick, Friederike und Rachid Ouaissa
Das Marburger Modell für transregionale Nah- und Mitteloststudien
Bad Homburg, 2015
Allan, Michael
Old Media / New Futures: Fanonian Reflections on the Arab Uprisings
EUME Summer Academy, 2012
Fahmy, Khaled, Monieren Collective, AUC Student Pilot Project, Emad Abou Ghazi, Samia Mehrez
Archiving the Revolution
EUME Summer Academy, 2012
Khoury, Elias
Towards an Intellectual-Ethical Code in the Time of the Arab Revolutions
EUME Summer Academy, 2012
Mahmoud, Sayed, Fayrouz Karawya, Yasser Allam, Karima Mansour, Tamer El Said
Cultural Policies
EUME Summer Academy, 2012
Abou Bakr, Randa, Elias Khoury, Ezzedine Choukri Fishere, Mona Prince, Mohammad Rabie, Ahmed Sultan, Samia Mehrez
Literature, Revolution and Politics
EUME Summer Academy, 2012
Dayeh, Islam
Taha Hussain, Israel Wolfensohn and the Construction of the “Arab Jew”
EUME Workshop, 2014
Behar, Moshe and Zvi Ben-Dor
The Possibility of Modern Middle Eastern Jewish Thought
EUME Workshop, 2014
Abdulhaq, Najat
The Emergence of the “Arab Jew” in Contemporary Arabic Literature
EUME Workshop, 2014