Akgöz, Görkem; Nurcin Ileri; Malak Labib

Factory Reloaded: Transregional Perspectives on the Industrial Workplace

Rick Halpern
“The Pictures Are the Thing”: Farm Security Administration Photographers Document the American Factory in the Depression Era

Josefine Carla Hoffmann
Training as a Gatekeeper at the Indo-German Factory


Based on recent historical, anthropological, and sociological work, this series explores new methodological perspectives on factories. As a group of interdisciplinary scholars focusing on factories in various geographical regions in the contexts of both early and late industrialisation, we seek to open a conversation on the question of space and scale by looking at the ways in which the shifting political-economic regimes and macro-political developments at the national and global levels interact with shop floor dynamics. The contributions of the series address a variety of questions and themes including, but not limited to, the production of class, gender, and race-based difference on the shop floor, transnational working-class militancy, circulation of managerial expertise, and cultural imaginaries of factories and factory work.

The series “Factory Reloaded” is edited by Görkem Akgöz, Nurcin Ileri, and Malak Labib. It originally started as a workshop to be held in May 2020 but was cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The series is the result of an alternative form of scholarly collaboration established by the Forum Transregionale Studien, using virtual forms of exchange via the TrafoHub – a collaborative internal platform – and a procedure of collective peer review steered by the editors of the series.

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