The Forum Transregionale Studien Dossiers are bundles of texts on shared issues. They take their starting point in programmes, initiatives and events organized by the Forum Transregionale Studien or its partners.
The dossiers are published in a digital brochure format. They are easily accessible via the open access platform and are available in print as well. They are tailored to the needs of scholars from different regions and disciplines working cooperatively and in networks. The Forum uses the format for the publication of reworked blog series, workshop proceedings or as an integral part of its writing workshops.
Alshaar, Nuha / La Sala, Beate Ulrike / Oesterle, Jenny Rahel / Winckler, Barbara (eds.)
الإنسانيات في القرن الحادي والعشرين : وجهات نظر من العالم العربي وألمانيا
Dossier, Forum Transregionale Studien, 3/2022
Alshaar, Nuha / La Sala, Beate Ulrike / Oesterle, Jenny Rahel / Winckler, Barbara (eds.)
The Humanities in the 21st Century: Perspectives from the Arab World and Germany
Dossiers, Forum Transregionale Studien, 2/2022
Schindel, Estela & Gabriel Gatti (eds.)
Social Disappearance: Explorations Between Latin America and Eastern Europe
Dossiers, Forum Transregionale Studien, 1/2020
Forum Transregionale Studien, Max Weber Stiftung
All Things Transregional? A Conversation about Transregional Research
Berlin/Bonn, 2019
Baumeister, Martin, Andreas Eckert, Klaus Günther
Reimers Konferenzen Revisited: Zum Verhältnis von Disziplinen und Regionalstudien
Berlin/Bonn, 2018
Günther, Klaus und Shalini Randeria
Recht Kultur und Gesellschaft im Prozeß der Globalisierung
Programmbeirat der Werner Reimers Konferenzen, Bad Homburg, Heft Nr. 4, 2001
Lackner, Michael und Michael Werner
Der cultural turn in den Humanwissenschaften: Area Studies im Auf- oder Abwind des Kulturalismus?
Programmbeirat der Werner Reimers Konferenzen, Bad Homburg, Heft Nr. 2, 1999