5in10 with Kateryna Mishchenko
“In my situation as a Ukrainian, mobility means not only exchange, but also access to knowledge as such”
Kateryna Mishchenko is a writer, curator and publisher. She was the editor of Prostory, a magazine on art, literature and social critique. She is co-founder and editor of the Ukrainian publishing house Medusa. Kateryna Mishchenko curated exhibitions in Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst Leipzig (GfZK) and Visual Culture Research Center Kyiv (VCRC). She is co-author of the book “Ukrainian Night” (with Miron Zownir). Her essays appeared in international journals as well as in an anthology on the Euromaidan in the Suhrkamp Verlag (“Euromaidan: Was in der Ukraine auf dem Spiel steht”, 2014).
Read the complete interview here.