Prisma Ukraïna Workshop
Do. 13 Okt. 2022 – Fr. 14 Okt. 2022

Studying Migration and Memory in Times of War: Methodological Workshop

-- Closed event-- convened by Viktoria Sereda (PRISMA UKRAÏNA: War, Migration and Memory)

Hybrid: Forum Transregionale Studien and online

This internal workshop, conducted in a hybrid format, places the newly formed research group “Prisma Ukraïna: War, Migration and Memory” within a broader research environment. The first day of the workshop includes presentations about the Prisma Ukraïna program by its directors and partners, as well as guest talks by scholars researching corresponding topics. This aims to map a research landscape of the main institutions and projects looking at Ukraine and issues of displacement. The second day will focus on the research goals of the current Prisma Ukraïna Fellows, including a methodology seminar and a feedback session. Overall, the workshop will allow the current Fellows to refine their projects and approaches, and will also strengthen scholarly networks, connecting the Prisma Ukraïna Fellows with scholars working on similar themes.

This is a closed event.

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