Mo. 15 März 2021

New TRAFO Blog Series: »Infrastructures and Society in (Post-)Ottoman Geographies«

Istanbul University Rare Works Library, Visual Collection, Photograph Albums of Abdulhamid II, no: NEKYA779-71/23.

“Infrastructures and Society in (Post-)Ottoman Geographies” aims to discuss and investigate the contradictory aspects of infrastructures. This interdisciplinary discussion questions infrastructures as tools that give shape to daily life not only with positive effects but also with complex connections to inequality, discrimination, and violence. In this series, soft and/or informal infrastructures are also part of the discussion. These include institutions and policies of government, surveillance, health, education, financial, and legal systems, or cultural and alternative institutions and networks. Also, the dynamic relationship between infrastructures in the (Post-)Ottoman context with their spatial and temporal aspects will be examined.
This TRAFO Blog series is curated by former EUME Fellow İlkay Yilmaz (2019/2020).

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