Do 05 Jul 2018

»Open Architecture: Migration, Citizenship and the Urban Renewal of Berlin-Kreuzberg by IBA-1984/87«

Esra Akcan über ihr neues Buch »Open Architecture: Migration, Citizenship and the Urban Renewal of Berlin-Kreuzberg by IBA-1984/87«:

»As I was writing this book on the relation between migration, citizenship and urbanism, the world’s biggest refugee crisis since the Second World War came about. In the United States, my country of residence, individuals from certain countries have been subject to travel bans, and immigrants have been stripped off their long established lives and families.

The history of migrations between Germany and Turkey, the topic of the book, entered a new phase as well, due to the violations of academic freedom and civil liberties in Turkey, which forced countless opposition journalists, intellectuals, and academics into obligatory or self-chosen exiles in many countries including in Germany. Due to these recent global developments, I was often confronted while writing with the fact that the forces that had shaped the histories recorded in this book are continuing today with little or no improvement, such as rightlessness of the stateless, crises of citizenship categories, state brutality, lack of decent housing, and hostility toward immigrants.

This book makes a plea for what it calls “open architecture” to come. It asks what would have happened if the architectural discipline and profession were shaped by a new ethics of hospitality toward the immigrant, and calls this open architecture.«

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