Di 12 Feb 2019

»Capturing the Zeitgeist of Infrastructure«

Norman Aselmeyer, Historiker am European University Institute in Florenz und Teilnehmer an unserer Transregionalen Akademie »Infrastructures, Regions and Urbanization« reflektiert Fragen und Themen der Akademie, nachzulesen auf unserem TRAFO-Blog.

»In 1999, Susan Leigh Star famously invited fellow researchers to study infrastructure, or what she jokingly called “boring things.” For long, this common-sense notion of infrastructure as being pretty unexciting or dreary contributed to a relative neglect of technological systems in analysing society. In recent years, however, the picture has gradually changed and a host of new studies has made the study of infrastructure thrive.«

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Foto: People as Infrastructure: African Porters in British East Africa. Image courtesy of the Kenya National Archives Nairobi, Binns Collection.

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