Demiri, Lejla, and Islam Dayeh

حلاّل العقد في بيان أحكام المعتقد : وهو قدوة المهتدين إلى مقاصد الدين

[Untying the Knots in Expounding the Principles of Faith - also known as The Exemplar of the Rightly Guided to the Objectives of Religion]

The Ḥallāl is an early fourteenth-century theological treatise. It is perhaps the only surviving text in which al-Ṭūfī expounds his theology in a brief and systematic manner with an intention to provide a short and uncomplicated outline of the principles of faith. Its author, Najm al-Dīn al-Ṭūfī (d. 716/1316) is a key Ḥanbalī scholar of the Mamluk period. His writings manifest considerable creativity and erudition.

The critical edition is based on a single surviving manuscript (Staatsbibliothek Berlin).

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