The Eurogroup and the EMU have long been object of inquiry in EU scholarship. However, relevant contributions have hardly addressed in depth the role of the Eurogroup and its legal semi-invisibility and relative “lawlessness” within the structural transformation of European economic governance. Based on institutionalist approaches typical of Italian and Spanish public law scholarship, the project aims to fill this gap, with the goal of strengthening its rule of law credentials, as set out in Art. 2 TEU, and, more generally, the legitimacy of EU’s economic governance. It will proceed in three phases. First, it will analyse the role of the Eurogroup within the still suboptimal EU common currency area, with a specific focus on the structural transformations triggered by the 2008 crisis. Second, it will advance an analytical approach different from those dominating current scholarly discourses, namely an institutionalist/material approach highlighting the capacity of sociopolitical institutions—however established—to produce norms that effectively organise social relationships. Third, it will reconstruct existing law and the most recent case law of the ECJ in the light of such approach, showing how it can productively be used to bring the Eurogroup out from its relative legal invisibility and strengthen its accountability.
Di. 12 März 2024 | 16:00–17:00

The Eurogroup in the Shadow of the (European) Rule of Law
Fellow Talk by Daniela Dobre (European Central Bank ) | Chair: Claire Debucquois (Fund for Scientific Research) | Discussant: Matteo Bonelli (Maastricht University)

Daniela Dobre is a PhD candidate at the University of Granada (Department of Constitutional Law). Her educational background focuses on European Union Law and constitutional theory. She is a Trainee at the European Central Bank (ECB) at the Institutional Law Division (2023); a former research fellow within the Catania Young Investigator Training Program (YITP, 2022); former research fellow at the Spanish Constitutional Court (2018-2019) and visiting researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law (2020). Her main field of research is the economic constitutionalism, focusing on the institutions and the legitimacy of the European economic governance. In particular, the European Central Bank (and its potentially integrative function within EMU), the Eurogroup and the European Bank of Investments.
The Fellow Talk will be chaired by Claire Debucquois, and Matteo Bonelli will be the discussant.