Prisma Ukraïna Conference
Do 16 Mai 2019 – Fr 17 Mai 2019

Rethinking Ukrainian Studies: Locally, Regionally, Transnationally

Convened by Prof. Dr. Andrii Portnov

European University Viadrina, Senatssaal/Collegium Polonicum

Ukraine with its complex history, cultural diversity, post-Soviet political pluralism and situational bilingualism is a fascinating and promising field for interdisciplinary and transnational research. What are Ukrainian studies nowadays? How could they develop both locally and internationally? Which challenges and chances do they offer to the German university system? How could Ukrainian literature and history, as well as post-Maidan commemoration practices be conceptualized nowadays? What potential does Ukraine have for re-thinking the phenomenon of cultural, religious, and language heterogeneity in Europe?

Jan C. Behrends (Potsdam)
Timm Beichelt (Frankfurt/Oder)
Werner Benecke (Frankfurt/Oder)
Liliya Berezhnaya (Münster)
Rory Finnin (Cambridge)
Susi K. Frank (Berlin)
Olena Haleta (Lviv)
Alexander Kratochvil (Prague-Berlin)
Oleksandr Osipian (Kramatorsk-Leipzig)
Andrii Portnov (Frankfurt/Oder)
Viktoriia Sereda (Lviv)
Barbara Törnquist-Plewa (Lund)
Annette Werberger (Frankfurt/Oder)
Andrew Wilson (London)
Serhy Yekelchyk (Victoria, Canada)
Tatiana Zhurzhenko (Vienna)

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Conference poster

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