Di. 18 Juni 2024

Regimes and Trajectories of Migration, Displacement and Exile Between Europe and the Middle East

Organized by Europe in the Middle East – The Middle East in Europe (EUME) and Centre Marc Bloch

Centre Marc Bloch, Friedrichstraße 191, 10117 Berlin

Program (PDF)

This workshop aims to gather Berlin-based researchers working on the related topics of migration, forced displacement, exile and diaspora between Europe and the NAWA (North Africa West Asia) region for a peer-to-peer discussion of their research projects and opportunities for future collaboration. Participants are expected to present their research projects in order to get feedback, to find common interests of research. We invite researchers who are interested in historical and current perspectives on the following topics and those related to them: notions and definitions related to migration and human movement, re-thinking of concepts and relations between refuge, exile, diaspora and (post)migration, the set up of boundaries, borders and opportunities of mobility and movement, the implications of the movements on the lives of the displaced and the communities of displaced, the repercussions of the presence or absence of migrants in the cities and countries of arrival or departure, the researchers’ own positionality working on these topics and the understudied flows of migrations between these two regions. 

This is an internal workshop. If you are interested in attending, please send an e-mail to eume(at)

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