Amnon Raz-Krakotzkin is Professor for Jewish History at the Department of Jewish History and chairs the Department of Interdisciplinary Studies at the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. He is also a senior research fellow at the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute.
Raz-Krakotzkin studies both early modern Christian-Jewish discourse and Zionist historical consciousness. Among his publications are: “The Censor, the Editor and the Text: The Catholic Church and the Shaping of the Jewish Canon in the Sixteenth Century” (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2007), and “Exil et souveraineté. Judaïsme, sionisme et pensée binationale” (La fabrique, 2007).In 2003/4 Raz-Krakotzkin was a fellow of the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, and he is a member of the Collegium of “Europe in the Middle East—The Middle East in Europe.”