Mi 18 Jul 2018

»Basic Freedoms and Rule of Law Ought not be Taken for Granted« – 5in10 with Wendy Pearlman

Wir haben Wendy Pearlman, Koldyke Outstanding Teaching Associate Professor of Political Science an der Northwestern University und EUME-Fellow 2017/2018, zu ihrem akademischen Werdegang und ihrer Forschung auf unserem TRAFO-Blog interviewt.

»I became especially intrigued by the question of the what brings people to participate in high-risk dissent. In one article I examined that question with a focus on emotions and in another, I examined it with a focus on moral identity. It was against this backdrop that, in 2012, I began to do open-ended interviews with displaced Syrians about their lives. Since then I’ve collected testimonials from more than 350 Syrians in the Middle East and Europe. These became the basis of the book I published last year, We Crossed a Bridge and It Trembled: Voices from Syria. I am continuing to collect testimonials from Syrians of different walks of life for a new book project.«

Lesen Sie das vollständige Interview auf unserem TRAFO-Blog.

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