The Humanities in the 21st Century: Perspectives from the Arab World and Germany
Dossier 2/2022 edited by Nuha Alshaar, Beate Ulrike La Sala, Jenny Rahel Oesterle, and Barbara Winckler; published in cooperation with and supported by the Arab-German Young Academy of Sciences and Humanities
This dossier has been published in English and Arabic. Find the Arabic issue here.
Available open access via perspectivia (read and download)
In recent years, the idea that the humanities are in a crisis has been a topic of much public debate in many parts of the world. In this collection of essays, scholars from several branches of the humanities, policy makers, and outreach professionals from Germany and various Arab countries explore the potential and challenges of the humanities. They discuss recent developments and future visions of how to enhance the standing and the impact of the humanities in academia and beyond.
Pages: 246
With contributions by:Shereen Abouelnaga, Abdulhadi Nasir Alajmi, Amani Albedah, Amro Ali, Nuha Alshaar, Hala Auji, Nadia Bahra, Sabine Behrenbeck, Azelarabe Lahkim Bennani, Aisha Deemas, Marko Demantowsky, Marie Elias, Antje Flüchter, Andrea Geier, Julia Hauser, Bashshar Haydar, Christian Junge, Elizabeth Suzanne Kassab, Beate Ulrike La Sala, Haidar Lashkry, Jenny Rahel Oesterle, El-Nabbout, Sabine Schülting, Roman Singendonk, Daniel Weidner and Barbara Winckler.