BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//TYPO3/NONSGML News system (news)//EN X-WR-TIMEZONE:UTC X-WR-CALNAME:forum-transregionale-studien-event.ical BEGIN:VEVENT UID:forum-transregionale-studien-1788 DTSTAMP:Fr. 16 Aug. 2019 DTSTART:Mi. 10 Mai 2017 DTEND:Mi. 10 Mai 2017 SUMMARY:Governing Culture, Producing Citizens? Dispossession, Erasure, and Art in Turkey DESCRIPTION:Banu Karaca (Istanbul, EUME Fellow 2016/17), Chair: Hilal Alkan (Istanbul, EUME Fellow 2016/17), in cooperation with Berliner Institut für empirische Integrations- und Migrationsforschung (BIM) LOCATION:Humboldt-Universität Berlin, Institut für Europäische Ethnologie, Room 212, 2nd floor, Mohrenstr. 40/41, 10117 Berlin ORGANIZER: CATEGORIES:EUME Berliner Seminar CLASS:PUBLIC END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR